R22 Gas is now banned from use in Air Conditioning Systems.
R22 Replacement Service from Air2serve Climate Control Systems
Is your system ready for the new regulations?
• Recharging R22 refrigerant banned in 2014
• Reduce energy consumption
• Free site visit & estimate
The key benefits of changing your R22 Gas is energy efficiency
In the UK today its estimated that over 50% of the air conditioning systems currently in operation are running on R22 refrigerant.
Many of these systems are running normally, however the vast majority of these systems use up to and in excess of 35% more energy than a new system. In today’s market of high energy prices planning ahead to replace your R22 systems makes sense.
Planning to replace is easier than you may think.
At Air2serve we will develop a cost effective and common sense plan to replace your old R22 systems, there are a number of options which may well leave your system running up to 35% more efficient.